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Ekstraliga (2018)

host country of the tournament
POL [female]
end date: 2018-06-30
type: League
tier: 1

final ranking

club levelTeamPo
Górnik Łęczna (116) 1
Czarni Sosnowiec (174) 2
Medyk Konin (27) 3
AZS PWSZ Wałbrzych (131) 4
UKS SMS Łódź (213) 5
MKS Olimpia Szczecin (239) 6
TS Mitech Żywiec (265) 7
AZS UJ Kraków (274) 8
AZS PWSZ Biała Podlaska (362) 9
KS AZS Wrocław (152) 10
DebutUnifreeze Górzno11
DebutSportowa Czwórka Radom12
club levelTeamPo

* Tournament level, club level and world position are pre-tournament data.